Rahmatika by Acklan
Recorded mixed and mastered at Acklan Studio for Pleasure Mine Recordings
Rahmatika reveals nothing at first glance, just doodles and swirls, and no smiling faces. I've redacted a few glimpses of a series of music that may one day be available on vinyl.
More than 90% of art and sandwiches are purchased with social currency instead of substance. As a testament to his travelled rich character, his dry cracked lips are a testament to his avoiding American idealism's dehydration. As he rides the outer rim on a sub-industry workhorse, he adds color to the decadent post-modern media roller coaster. A common misconception about serial art is that it is a manifestation of the 'Dress up and show up' mentality that haunts securing a sandwich from the store owners. It's just well-played begging.
Working constantly on multiple computers and canvasses, reproductions become NFT and are printed on Kodak sticker paper for proof. A personality in the media? HA isn't a photographer, is he? Then again, he owns an iPad and takes pictures with it.
The abstract and creative discourses of academic reasoning are a hallmark of Acklan producer RUH for those who are familiar with him It is as if he tells stories as he goes along, yet relinquishes control all at once.
In many cases, the narratives are composed of sound bites, chopped up and reassembled, similarly to how a sampler or a collage artist would do it. Writing, painting, coding, and music are just some of the things he does. There is very little education in the system of upkeep and the outcome is far from ideal. His work is hard, but he is not burdened by the bottom line. In the morning until the sun sets and then a few hours afterward. In his home studio, he works every day like an Instagram advertisement on a shoestring budget. Taking away any notion of iconography or billboard media prompts.
Having met and hung out with famous people, he feels grotesquely uninspired to become one. As of now, I don't feel the need to compete or live vicariously through others. The words have stayed with HA since his early days in Los Angeles. The mentality of being self-assured, blowing smoke and patting oneself on the back.
There are many other commendable achievements among others who are more knowledgeable, talented, and artistically sound. In non-excessive or pompous fashion, he finishes a thought.
Every piece is constantly being worked over, re:worked, shuffled, cleaned up, or just chipped away at.

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